News & Learning

Fake engagement image error. Chicken recipe with strawberry cake image.

Fake engagement is a thing on social media...

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Community Votes Guelph 2024 Winner

Thanks so much for everyone's support! 

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Red mailbox over flowing with mail.

Using IMAP and your mailbox is maxing out? 

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Alt Text Tips - decorative image

Some great tips and info to help make for a more accessible web. 

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JCM graphic - How I learned Joomla

An interview with the Joomla Community Magazine - May 2023

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So you want to be a webmaster!

It sounds glamourous but bring your attention to detail because it isn't magic!

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In pursuit of cheap -  Photo - Pexels - KarolinaGrabowska

If suppliers are under charging what are they cutting or haven't included in their costs? Are you willing to risk your business sites reputation on it?

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Ghosted! Photo by Daniel Putzer/Pexels

So your Joomla developer ran off to join the circus or just isn't returning your calls and emails. What now? 

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A yellow hardhat sitting on a notebook and plans.

So you need to migrate your website. You've been putting it off and say you can't afford it right now. If your site is really old it is also time to review it in terms of your current business goals going forward and update the design. 

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Decorative image depicting user frustration. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Last evening I went to a recipe site (ya I know).

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Auto Sales Site and Joomla Birthday - Magazine Spotlight

I'm stoked to be included in the birthday roundup of Favourite #joomla 4 site builds.

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Decorative image depicting photo-disabled-parking-signs-on-asphalt-pavement

In 2020 I was chosen to do a site redesign and migration...

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Decorative image - mail icon with mail waiting

Can I get a show of hands - who likes getting spam?

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Sample Domain Registry letter.

It comes in the mail looking official. If you aren't paying attention you might think it is real... but it isn't!

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Happy Holidays Santa image

What a crazy year 2020 has been!   

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Which CMS is the most secure: Joomla, Wordpress, or something else?

So when I was building my new site I thought I'd archive older content. According to traffic, that was a bad idea so here you go. For reference the current release of Joomla is 4.x. I always build on the current release and maintain to the latest major release update.

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Close up of a hard drive platter

The more I talk to people the more I wonder why on earth would you trust your website to crappy hosting?

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My JoomCast Podcast with Tim Davis and Chetan Madaan. Alison Meeks of AM Graphix.

JoomCast! a podcast about Joomla with Tim Davis and Chetan Madaan. Thanks you guys! It was great to be on your show. Wishing you both much success!  

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Word cloud for Save, Save, Save article

Article for Joomla Community Magazine. Published October 2017

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My interview with Sarah Watz of PixPro Labs

Sarah is the past president of Joomla and I was flattered when she asked to interview me for her Pixpro Live series.

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